Le avventure di Pinocchio

Alle Themen zur Cinema-Italiano-Datenbank.
Beiträge: 67
Registriert: Fr 20. Apr 2018, 19:39

Le avventure di Pinocchio

Beitrag von FatmanDan »

This six-part TV series is listed twice: 1) as the series in six entries; 2) as the cut-down film from that series that ran in cinemas. That's not sensibel. The Movie version should be deleted.
Beiträge: 3185
Registriert: Do 2. Mai 2013, 19:31
Wohnort: Bremen

Re: Le avventure di Pinocchio

Beitrag von CharlieFirpo »

Ok, this is an interesting problem. In my opinion it is ok to add a movie-version of a series to the database. We made this in the Spencer/Hill database for "Un passo dal cielo 2". After showing the series, the RAI made an extra movie with material from the whole series. This extra movie is in the database and I think that is correct. So if the second entry from Pinocchio describes the cinema version, that it could stay in the database. But I think that's not the fact. We are talking abount the entry with id 3520, right? I think that is not the cinema version, that's an summary entry for the whole series. And in this case it is twice and should be deleted. By the way, the database don't know a way to delete a movie. It is possible to do it directy in the database, but that is a little bit tricky.
Beiträge: 86
Registriert: Mo 6. Mai 2013, 13:29

Re: Le avventure di Pinocchio

Beitrag von Ghibarian »

It's fine as it is. They are two different things. Otherwise we would have deleted them long ago ;)