Englische Stimmen

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Johan Melle
Beiträge: 72
Registriert: Mo 6. Mai 2013, 23:54

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Johan Melle »

Ooooh! This is a topic that has interested and fascinated me for a long time, and I have worked hard for many years in order to indentify and learn more about the English dubbing actors whose voices we hear in sooo many Italian films. There's been a bit of interesting information uncovered in recent years thanks to interviews with a few dubbers, and this has resulted in a lot of English dubbing credits being added to the IMDb. But please, PLEASE do not put too much trust in the dubbing credits on the IMDb. Several of them are correct, yes, but some are also wrong. For example, most of the dubbing roles attributed to Geoffrey Copleston are incorrect, and so are some of the credits attributed to Ted Rusoff, Pat Starke, Carolyn De Fonseca etc.

As for whether the identification of Robert Sommer as the third of Bud Spencer's regular dubbers, I don't know if it's correct, but I have a few films where Sommer appears that I need to sit down and listen to. I'll dig them out and upload clips of his scenes to YouTube so we can make comparisons and find out for sure.

Regarding LITTLE RITA NEL WEST, there is indeed an English-dubbed version of it. You can find it on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRFRE3NYrkI
I only skimmed my way through it, but I recognized a couple of the English voices, such as Ted Rusoff (dubbing Gordon Mitchell) and Edward Mannix (dubbing Lucio Dalla)

There's also an English version of IL VERO E IL FALSO/THE TRUE AND THE FALSE. I have it and it features many familiar voices, including Edward Mannix dubbing Martin Balsam! Give me a little time and I'll make some clips and upload them.

Regarding IL SOLDATO DI VENTURA/SOLDIER OF FORTUNE, I've written down in my list of dubbing filmographies that Robert Spafford dubbed Bud's voice in the English version. I was going to re-check in order to confirm it, but I don't have the film. I only saw it on YouTube I while ago and now it's gone. I've no reason to doubt that the identification is correct, though. But just to make sure I'm getting everything right, I sat down this evening and went through a few Bud films from the early 80s, and here I present to you the English dubbing credits for these films:


Bud Spencer - Edward Mannix

Marina Langner - Susan Spafford

Mario Scarpetta - Frank von Kuegelgen

Enzo Garinei - Kenneth Belton

Gunther Philipp - John Gayford

Giorgio Bracardi - Ted Rusoff

Gisela Hahn - Pat Starke

"Luis" and "Moreno's Helper" - Nick Alexander

BOMBER (1982)

Bud Spencer - Robert Sommer?

Jerry Calà - Ted Rusoff

Stefano Mingardo - Gregory Snegoff

Kallie Knoetze - Edward Mannix

Gegia Antonaci - Susan Spafford

Valeria Cavalli - Pat Starke

Mario Mattioli - Nick Alexander


Bud Spencer - Edward Mannix

Tomas Milian - Gregory Snegoff

Margherita Fumero - Pat Starke

Bill Garrigues - Nick Alexander

Darcy Shean - Susan Spafford

Dan Fitzgerald - Tony La Penna

Joan Murphy Adler - Pat Starke


Terence Hill - Terence Hill

Bud Spencer - Edward Mannix

Riccardo Pizzuti - Nick Alexander

Susan Teesdale - Pat Starke

More credits to follow as I get the time to through more films.
Beiträge: 3190
Registriert: Do 2. Mai 2013, 19:31
Wohnort: Bremen

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von CharlieFirpo »

Hello Johan, welcome back! It's always a pleasure to read from you :-)

Thanks for all the information! They are very interesting! I just added them to the database.
Beiträge: 1156
Registriert: Fr 3. Mai 2013, 07:53
Wohnort: Bremen

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Chickadee »

Hi Johan, nice to hear from you. :-)

I just made a sample of Bud in Soldier of fortune:
:arrow: https://spencerhilldb.de/temp/hector_engl_bud.mp3
Beiträge: 123
Registriert: Sa 30. Dez 2017, 15:24

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Schlitzi »

Kannst du auch ein Sample von Bud in Nilpferd machen und von den beiden ersten Plattfuß?
Vielleicht kann ja jemand die Stimmen identifizieren
Beiträge: 945
Registriert: Do 11. Jul 2013, 15:47

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Maiky »

Hi Johan,

I had posted this here link on page one of the thread: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... o6ZBIYXQg9 It leads to sound samples of Robert Sommer as well. I second Schlitzi's opinion that it's him on Bud. (Provided that those sound samples are really Robert Sommer's, of course ;) )

Robert Spafford as Hector in "Soldier Of Fortune" also seems to fit according that YouTube link? Schlitzi, do you agree?

Does anybody know Cary Guffey's real voice?
Zuletzt geändert von Maiky am Di 27. Feb 2018, 17:38, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
"Das Leben & Denken im Konjunktiv führt ins Unglück." ~ Jean Reno & irgendwie so 8-)
Django Spencer
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Registriert: Mi 8. Mai 2013, 17:18

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Django Spencer »

Schlitzi hat geschrieben: Di 27. Feb 2018, 16:14 @Chickadee
Kannst du auch ein Sample von Bud in Nilpferd machen und von den beiden ersten Plattfuß?
Vielleicht kann ja jemand die Stimmen identifizieren
Charleston, Zwei Missionare, Der Sizilianer, Heute ich... morgen du & Gott mit uns wäre auch echt klasse. ;)

Wenn ich die englischen Fassungen hätte, würde ich sie sehr gerne erstellen. :mrgreen:
Beiträge: 945
Registriert: Do 11. Jul 2013, 15:47

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Maiky »

Hat jemand eine englische Version von "Tre per sempre"? Ich würde nicht ausschließen, dass Bud da ebenfalls original zu hören ist.
"Das Leben & Denken im Konjunktiv führt ins Unglück." ~ Jean Reno & irgendwie so 8-)
Beiträge: 1156
Registriert: Fr 3. Mai 2013, 07:53
Wohnort: Bremen

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Chickadee »

Die englische Fassung von Tre per sempre lief 1998 einmalig im australischen TV, danach wurde sie leider nie wieder gesehen.
Beiträge: 123
Registriert: Sa 30. Dez 2017, 15:24

Re: Englische Stimmen

Beitrag von Schlitzi »

Also bei Hector hör ich in der Tat Robert Spafford raus
ob er es allerdings auch in Kroko ist, kann ich nicht sicher sagen. Aber Plattfuß 1 und 2 sind eindeutig zwei verschiedene Stimmen.